Telemetry Overlay updated to 0.6.0
- Add 14 minimal gauges with icon, title and values
- Allow to change project fonts
- Allow to save patterns (gauge and project visual structure) and reuse them in other projects
- Add buttons to move frame by frame and to go to In and Out points
- Add keyboard shortcuts (check help section)
- Add "Fade in" and "Fade out" options to custom titles and images
- Allow variable playback speeds
- Add "Hide gauge" and "Reset gauge" buttons
- Add title and action safe margins
- Enable ProRes 4444 exports
- Support GoPro Max .360 files
- Add and improve telemetry sync options
- Improve error reporting
- Performance improvements, visual tweaks and bug fixes
- Improve documentation
Get Telemetry Overlay.
Some of the new features and improvements are documented in this tutorial