GPS is back! GoPro HERO13 Black
It's confirmed! The GoPro HERO13 brings back the GPS data!
All flagship GoPro models had GPS since the HERO5 Black, but the HERO12 dropped it for battery life savings.
GPS position, altitude, speed, etc. are now recorded at 10Hz, like on the HERO11 (the best GPS on a GoPro so far). That's a good sign. In fact, according to Hypoxic, the new model has the same GPS chip as the HERO11, the Ublox Max-M10S.

Telemetry Overlay and Telemetry Extractor are compatible with the HERO13 out of the box (versions 1.5.3 and 1.2.1 and newer, respectively).
Thank you Konrad Iturbe for providing a file sample!
Samples from the also new (and smaller) GoPro HERO (2024, 4K) have not been analyzed yet, but we expect it to have no GPS (nor speed, altitude, etc.). There should still be accelerometer data, along with gyroscope, some camera settings, and potentially orientation (pitch and roll).