GoPro Telemetry Resources (software)

Note: This post was originally published in . This is just a copy for reference. This information might be outdated and some links are broken. For updated solutions, click here.

Here's a list of products you can use to read, visualize and convert GoPro metadata depending on your purpose. Please submit additional items in the comments if you want them added to the list.

User friendly

  • GoPro App Desktop / Android / iOS (Free) - Official editing tool. Can visualize some of the metadata, although many users have reported problems.
  • Telemetry Overlay Windows / macOS (Paid) - Add customizable gauges to GoPro (and other cameras) videos
  • GoPro Telemetry Extractor (Free/Premium) - Extract, visualize and convert any data stream (sensor) to other formats.
  • GoPro GPS Quick Fix (Paid) - Modifies your video files to enable gauges / performance stickers in GoPro Quik.
  • Virb Edit (Free) - Overlay nice gauges on videos. GPS data must be converted to GPX first. Does not support GoPro high frequency data directly.
  • Dashware (Free) - Combine video and gauges. Data must be converted to compatible formats first.
  • Serious Racing (Free) - Online lap timer. Reads GPS data.
  • Race Technology (Paid) - Offline lap timer and other sensor data.
  • Drone Viewer (Paid) - Reads and displays GPS data alonside the video.
  • Race Render (Trial/Paid) - Offline lap timer. GPS data must be converted to GPX first.
  • After Effects Telemetry template (Lite/Paid) - Customizable After Effects overlay for visualizing multiple data streams.
  • Lap Analyser (Free) - Gets lap times, forces and angles from motorsports footage (cars/motorcycles)
  • The Video Map (Free) - Watch your youtube videos alongside a location map
  • Map the Paths Uploader - Put your images and video “on the map”

For developers

  • gopro-telemetry - JavaScript tools for extracting any data stream.
  • gpmf-parser - C++ sample project and documentation on the GoPro Metadata Format.
  • gopro-utils - GoLang tools for extracting some of the data streams, plus batch tool for automating the process on Windows.
  • gopro2gpx - Python tool for converting the GPS data into GPX.
  • gpmf-extract - JavaScript tool for extracting the binary data from the mp4 when ffmpeg is not available.